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What Is The Trend of Bank Deposits & Credit for Indian Cities (Centres)

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

As per the data published by RBI on Centre Wise Bank Deposits and Credit as of 30th September 2021, the total bank deposits are at 159 lac crore with an 8% 5-year CAGR (on 30th September 2017, the bank deposits were 109 lac crore). Total credit as of 30-09-2021 was 111 lac crore as against 80 lac crore on 30-09-2017. Distribution of Bank Deposits and Credit at Centre Level RBI publishes the data at the center level (divided into municipal bodies, e.g., Municipal Corp, Municipal Councils, etc.). If we rank these centers' basis deposits and credit books and see the distribution as per the size of centers, the data shows a wide disparity between centers. From the below table: Top 15 centers having a deposit base of more than 1 lac crore contribute to 49.2% (~50%) of total bank deposits in India. The next set of 120 centers having a deposit base of 10k to 1 lac crores contributes to 22.6% of the entire base.

The contribution of credit book is more skewed; where Top 10 centers with credit book of more than 1 lac crore contribute to 56% of total credit at Pan India Level.

Top Centers: Basis Maximum Deposit and Credit as on 30-09-21 Mumbai leads the pack of Top 25 centers for deposits, followed by Delhi and Bangalore. Below is the list of the top 25 centers for bank deposits.

For credit: The order is the same for the Top 3 - Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. Few cities which were part of the top cities for deposits are not there for credit - Patna, Nagpur, Navi Mumbai, Kanpur, and Dehradun. We have the following cities that were not part of top deposit centers but are in top credit centers - Vijaywada, Vishakapatnam, Coimbatore, Ludhiana & Raipur due to heightened business activities.

Centers with >20% 5-Yr CAGR in Deposits and Credit Deposits - Centers with more than 500 cr of deposit base and where bank deposits have grown by more than 20% 5-CAGR are listed below. The list includes - Hajira, Navi Mumbai, Neyveli & Kendujhar are four centers with more than 2500 cr deposits

Credit - Centers that have more than 1000 cr of a credit base and where bank deposits have grown by more than 20% 5-CAGR are listed below Navi Mumbai & Greater Noida are on both lists for high-growth centers.

To summarise, the deposits growth can be attributed to the development of individual population and income levels in the centers, and credit can be attributed to business, infrastructure, etc.

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