Knowledge Creed

Nov 13, 20211 min

Which States In India Have Seen Highest 'National Domestic Product Growth' till FY2019-20

GSDP is the total of value added by different economic sectors (Agriculture, Industry & Services) produced within the boundaries of the state calculated without duplication during a year. It is one of the measures of economic growth for a state's economy.

From Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP), the Consumption of Fixed Capitals (CFC) is deducted to arrive at NSDP, i.e., NSDP = GSDP - CFC.

1. State Wise Share of NSPD at Factor Cost (at constant prices) for FY2019-20 in Rs. Crores

The top states in terms of absolute volumes of NSP in Rupees Crore: Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Gujrat, Karnataka & West Bengal

2. State Wise Growth in NSDP at Factor Cost (at constant prices) over eight years and three years in FY2019-20 (States with more than 40,000 cr NSDP)

Top States with highest CAGR % in 8 years i.e. from 2011-12 to 2019-20 : Gujrat(9.1%), Karnataka(7.5%), Haryana(7.4%), MP(7.2%), Delhi(7%) & H.P.(7%)

Sources: & RBI
