Knowledge Creed

Dec 7, 20212 min

Learnings from Global Banking Consumer Survey 2021 by Statista

This survey was conducted in Nov-Dec 2020. This question was phrased by Statista as follows: "What is most important to you when you think of your bank?" Countries included in the survey; Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA. The minimum number of respondents per country was 456.

According to a survey conducted by Statista among more than 59 thousand bank customers across 28 nations worldwide, the most crucial factor when thinking about their bank was trust. Trust ranked first across every country surveyed.


This question was phrased by Statista as follows: "Please rate from 5 – strongly agree to 1 – strongly disagree.

Consumers, in general, were most satisfied with the trustworthiness of their bank and the digital services it offered. The second most valued aspect of the banking service was terms and conditions, which scored the lowest satisfaction rate of 3.6 index points.


Based on a rating system of 1 being very dissatisfied and five being very satisfied, the global average satisfaction score was just under 4, slightly decreasing the previous year's findings. Indonesia and the United States had the highest satisfaction scores of 4.23 and 4.2. India had the fourth-highest score at 4.16. The bottom three countries were France, Israel & Japan

Banking is a business where trust always comes as the single most significant factor when a consumer deals with a bank. The bank and bankers need to have a consumer-centric mindset where the banks should be eager to serve the customers around their needs and not just try to sell any and every product.

Our article on strategic priorities deployed by the top global bank shows 'Customer Centricity' as the most common and essential pillar for all banks Access below link.
